• Words Matter

    There is a word in Japanese called “Kotodama” which basically translates and “spirit of the word.” In short, it is a poetic description of the cliche “be careful what you say.” Why? Because words truly do matter. They may not always hurt you. Or they may if you allow them. What they really can do,…

  • 8 Years Gone By

    Reflecting on a training from 8 years ago, filled with physical and emotional challenges, brings a mix of pain and nostalgia. The experience, shared with dear friends who have since passed away, remains a bittersweet memory that has shaped my perspective on life. Despite the passage of time and the changes that have occurred, the…

  • Vladimir In W. Palm Seminar

    I have come to respect and find value in Zoom but there simply is NO app, software, or platform that can match the in-person experience. Over the past 3 years, I have seen virtually every one of Vladimir’s Zoom classes/seminars and yes, they were exceptional. Yesterday, we had an in-person seminar. Truth be told, I…

  • New Group Started: Systema Wellness

    Looking for powerful, life-changing natural health information geared toward Systema and Martial Artists? Now there is one. Systema Wellness is now open to all. Come join the discussions to help with injury treatment and prevention. Ask questions about fat loss or endurance enhancement. Learn about which acupuncture point can help alleviate depression or anxiety AND…

  • When Ego Takes Over In Teaching

    Most of my experiences in martial arts have been either good, very good, or great. I have been blessed to have now or in the past, some of the greatest teachers for me. From current ones such as Vladimir Vasiliev to ones in the past such as Gary Michak Sensei. I will forever be grateful…